目前分類:MBA申論題大全 (3)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

1 / Harvard University (MA)

Ø   What are your three most substantial accomplishments and why do you view them as such? (600-word limit)

Ø   What have you learned from a mistake? (400-word limit)

Ø   Please respond to two of the following (400-word limit each):

A. What would you like the MBA Admissions Board to know about your undergraduate academic experience?

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1. Harvard University (MA)


1.      What are your three most substantial accomplishments and why do you view them as such? (600-word limit)

2.      What have you learned from a mistake? (400-word limit)

3.      Please respond to two of the following (400-word limit each):

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本篇的內容是2009年秋季班申請的MS-Finance的申論題,幾乎檯面上有提供該program的最好學校都已經網羅進來,在最新一個學年度2009年秋季班版主有成功輔導申請上MS-F的學校包括: Bentley College, Brandeis University, Case Western Reserve University, Johns Hopkins University, State University of New York - Buffalo, Syracuse University, Tulane University, University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign

為了讓讀者能清楚看到該校的"等級",便同時把相關且重要的排名一起放入,基本上MS programMBA的申論題非常相似..Enjoy it!!


09 MBA

08 MBA

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